Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chris Dugan
Sep, 26 2013
Graphic design

                                         How to ruin a good project

                To ruin a great project is to clam it will help make things easier but instead have it make everything worse. For example everyone wants fast internet so you could try to make a divice that will speed up all internet connection however what will ruin it is that it will use too much power from your computer so if you stay on the internet for too long your computer will be shutdown and your entire saves will be courrupted and lost. also that with a powerful connection it can also cause an entire city's electrisity to shut down. For a project to be ruined is for the person to rush it, not test it out, and to realese it without thinking of anything or anyone that could be efected by it.

Friday, September 6, 2013

What is your computer experience?
A. My experience is internet exploring. Most of my experience is with microsoft
What is your major class?
A. Going to school for video game design.
Who is your favorite artist?
A. My favorite rock band is areosmith
write a five line story?

I went to the mall. I brought a cd while at the mall. I went home to listen to the cd. I downloaded my music on my iPod. I rocked out.